Wednesday May 22, 2024

53 || Tired? Learn to Rest, Don't Quit Your Business

In the hustle and bustle of running a business, rest is often underestimated. We are conditioned to believe that round-the-clock work equates to dedication and success. However, pushing through fatigue without taking necessary breaks can lead to burnout, diminished creativity, and poor decision-making.

Many women entrepreneurs struggle with exhaustion from balancing business, health, and caregiving. 

Learn about different types of rest, combating perfectionism and people-pleasing, and establishing boundaries for a balanced life. Don't quit - learn to rest and rejuvenate for a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.


Links & Resources Mentioned:
Read the Post or Transcript Here –
Listen to Episode 1: We Need to Learn to Work From Rest --
Listen to Episode  14: Simplifying Self-Care for Busy Entrepreneurs: Create a Take-A-Break Kit

Explore these two quizzes to help you figure out what type you need in this season: 


Let’s Connect:

Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help:

*** GET UNSTUCK COACHING SESSION: Do you find yourself feeling stuck in your business unsure of where to go or what do next? Have you felt like you’ve tried everything but nothing makes sense? Oh how I get it!!! Been there, done that, didn’t want the t-shirt. I’d love to help you get unstuck, find some clarity, and the action steps you need to build a foundation from. We can do that in an unstuck coaching session —

*** THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines —

*** BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business —

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