Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

47 || It's Time to Stop Playing Quiet and Make Yourself Heard

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this common phrase from coaches, “Stop playing small.”

It’s a phrase that urges us to stop playing small and dream bigger. While the intention behind this advice is to push women to realize their full potential, it can sometimes evoke mixed feelings, particularly for those grappling with fear and self-doubt.

It definitely does for me. 

But is that what needs to happen? Is it that we are playing small or not dreaming big enough? 

Maye, maybe not.

As you navigate through the journey of entrepreneurship, it's essential to address the mindset surrounding marketing and how you perceive it. Maybe you view marketing as something pushy or salesy, akin to being a used car salesman. However, a shift in perspective reveals that marketing is about storytelling and making genuine offers to serve and help people.

One of the significant challenges that hold women back from using their voice to market and share about their business, is the fear of vulnerability. The fear of rejection, criticism, or not being accepted can often lead women to play it safe, staying within their comfort zones and not fully expressing their expertise and unique offerings to the world.

It's crucial to recognize the importance of moving beyond this fear and embracing the concept of amplifying your voice. This involves stepping out of the shadows, being more visible, and showcasing your value and how you can positively impact others. 

When you use your voice to talk about what you do, the problems you solve, and who you can help, you not only empower yourself but also create meaningful connections and opportunities to help and connect with others.

So is it that you need to “stop playing small”? Or is it you need to move past the fear, and “stop playing quiet”?


Links & Resources: 


Let's Connect:


Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help:

>> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business --

>> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --

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